Create Controller
- Open Aurora Manager window, go to the top tabs:
Aurora FPS/Aurora Manager
- Choose Player section:
Property |
Description |
Template | Player With Body: This is a player that already contains preset weapons and the body of a character with animations. |
Input Mapping | Map with buttons on which the player will move. The asset already has a pre-installed Input Mapping which is called Standalone Input Mapping. you can select it from the list or create your own unique one. |
Optional Components | You can also add various optional components to the player if desired (depending on the template , some of the optional components may already be pre- installed in the default player). |
After complete configuration click Create button.
Configure Controller
First person Player controller handled by FPCController component.
Base Properties
Property | Description |
Camera Instance | Camera instance transform. |
FPCamera | First person camera pivot transform (Parent gameobject of camera instance). |
Sensitivity X | Look sensitivity by X(Horizontal) axis. |
Sensitivity Y | Look sensitivity by Y(Vertical) axis. |
Limits Y | Minimum Y(Vertical) look direction. Maximum Y(Vertical) look direction. |
Position Smooth | Position smooth value. |
Rotation Smooth | Rotation smooth value. |
Limits Y | Clamp Vertical Rotation. |
Bobbing Properties
Camera shaking while moving and jumping.
Property | Description |
HeadBob/Settings | Asset file with head bob settings. |
HeadBob/Use Head Bob | If true head bob will be processed. Otherwise false. |
Jump Bob/Duration | Jump bob duration. |
Jump Bob/Amount | Jump bob amount. |
Jump Bob/Use Jump Bob | If true jump bob will be processed. Otherwise false. |
Field Of View Kick
Field of view processing when player start sprinting.
Property | Description |
FOV Value | Increase field of view value. |
Increase Speed | Increase speed to kick field of view value. |
Decrease Speed | Decrease speed to default field of view value. |
Zoom Properties
Field of view processing when player start zooming.
Property | Description |
Handle Type |
Hold: Zoom processing while zoom input pressed. Trigger: Zoom processing when zoom input pressed once, and stop processing zoom input pressed again. |
Increase Speed | Speed to zoom field of view value. |
Decrease Speed | Speed to default field of view value. |
Swaying Properties
Swaying camera to the sides when player moving left or right.
Property | Description |
Amount | Camera swaying amount (Max sway camera angle). |
Speed | Swaying speed. |
Return Speed | Return speed on default angle. |
Use Camera Sway | If true camera sway will be processed. Otherwise false. |
Tilts Properties
Swaying camera to the sides when player moving left or right.
Property | Description |
Output | Tilt output value. |
Output Speed | Speed tilt to output value. |
Angle | Tilt angle value. |
Angle Speed | Speed tilt to target angle. |
Movement Properties
Mode |
Description |
Velocity | Instant change of speed to the required value from the start of movement, a more arcade and dynamic style of play, as it was in the games Quake or Unreal Tournament. |
Add Force | Smoothly changes the speed to the required value, taking into account the mass, a more realistic style of play in comparison with Velocity mode. |
Speed Properties
Property |
Description |
Walk Speed | Speed while active walking state. |
Run Speed | Speed while active running state. |
Sprint Speed | Speed while active sprinting state. |
Backward Persent | How many percent of the current speed will be saved while moving backward. |
Side Persent | How many percent of the current speed will be saved while moving on sides. |
Zoom Persent | How many percent of the current speed will be saved while zoomming. |
Sprint Direction | When moving in which directions the player can accelerate. |
Gradual Acceleration | Gradual change movement speed. Idle -> Walk -> Run -> Sprint For example: The player will only be able to go to the sprinting speed, when he reach the running speed. |
Step Offset Properties
It's the handling of stairs and small ground obstacles.
Property | Description |
Max Height | The maximum detection height of step. |
Check Range | The maximum detection range of step. |
Smooth | The speed at which the height changes when detected. |
Ground Properties
Property | Description |
Slope Modifier | Speed modifier curve when moving along slope. |
Ground Distance | Max distance to check ground. |
Stick Distance | The maximum distance at which the player will be stick to the ground. |
Jump Properties
Property | Description |
Air Control | Input: while the player is in air, control is controlled using the movement buttons. Camera: While the player is in air, the player moves in the direction of the camera. |
Force | Jump force. |
Speed | Movement speed while player is in air. |
Max Jump Count | Max available jump count. Suitable for games like Quake or Unreal Tournament. |
Multiple Jump Force | Jump force when the player jumps more than once. |
Crouch Properties
Property | Description |
Handle Type |
Hold: Required to hold button for still crouching. Trigger: Required to press button for crouching and press againg to stand. |
Speed | Movement speed while crouching. |
Crouch Speed | The speed of change of the size of the Collider. |
Height | Controller height while crouching. |
Climb Properties
Property | Description |
Climb Movement | Free: Controller can move on any directions. Vertical: Controller can only move vertically. |
Speed | Controller speed while climbing. |
Camera Lock | Lock camera rotation while climbing. |
Sound Properties/Rate | Rate of play climb sound while controller climbing. |
Sound Properties/Sound | Sound instance. |
Advanced Properties/Check Rate | The rate with which the climbable object will be checked in front of the player. |
Advanced Properties/Culling Layer | Limit the check climbable objects in these layers. |
Controller Events
Event | Description |
OnEnable Event() | Called when controller become enabled. |
OnDisable Event() | Called when controller become disabled. |
OnGrounded Event() | Called when controller become grounded. |
These events are convenient for calling other functions, without having to write code.