
Player controller health system handled by FPHealth component.


Property Description
Health Actual player controller health points.
Ranged between (Min Health - Max Health) proeprties.
Min Health Limit the minimum possible health of the player controller.
Ranged between (0 - Max Health)*.
Max Health Limit the maximum possible health points of the player controller.
Ranged between (Min Health - ∞).


The player dies when their health reaches 0. When you limit a player's Min Health property to a value greater than 0, you make them immortal. This is useful when you want to give a player a buff or something like that (For example like in Unreal Tournament, Quake, ect.).

Regeneration Properties

Regeneration system automatically recover health points, after player controller take damage.


Property Description
Rate Speed of recovery of health points (in seconds).
Value How much health point add each rate.
Delay Delay time before start recover health, after player take damage (in seconds).

Sound Effects

Sound effects that are played in various situations.


Property Description
Take Damage Played when player take damage.
Velocity Damage Played when player take damage from velocity (falling, hitting, ect.).
Death Played when player is die.
Heartbeat/Start Starting from what value, start playing sound.
Heartbeat/Rate Play sound rate (in seconds).
Heartbeat/Sound Heartbeat sound.

Velocity Damage Properties

The player can take damage from the speed of physical contact with other physical objects.


Property Description
Damage The amount of damage that will be dealt in a collision in the specified range.
Min Velocity Minimum velocity of collision.
Max Velocity Maximum velocity of collision.

Configuration Velocity Damage


  • Use + button to add property.
  • Use - button to remove property.
  • Click on the Max Velocity label to edit the maximum possible velocity value.



Event Description
On Take Damage Event() Called when player take damage.
OnWakeUp Event() Called when player wake up after die.
OnDeath Event() Called when player die.


These events are convenient for calling other functions, without having to write code.